Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Evaluation: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my main product and ancillary products i feel has worked really well. When designing all of my products i took into account how they would integrate into the mainstream music industry but still keeping an edgy and mysterious feel to my main and ancillary products, my main product especially. I have kept the same theme flowing through all my products giving me a focus but still allowing me creative freedom with a broad range of stimuli which my subject matter provides. 

Knowing the lyrics of the song i chose are centered around the natural world and angels. When compiling my album cover for example i wanted to reflect the message of the lyrics but without making it gimmicky. The image i used of the artist standing, looking out onto a field was originally not going to be my final album cover but whilst playing around with my various images i realized that my eventual final image represented the song in a better light. I edited the brightness and contrast of the image to make the field look as if the heavens had opened and he had succumb to the light which ties in with the angel theme. All of my products features the artist so an audience can recognize and therefore purchase the product. 

My album cover is in my opinion a very unique design with the photo frame border around the main image and text. I made the frame bold which allows me to use softer colors in the main image. This is similar to my poster but instead i made the background black and white to make the image of the album stand out and make more of an impact when looking at it because after all its the album that the advert is trying to publicized.  

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